Tara Reid claims shes not anorexic

Publish date: 2024-04-12


Tara Reid is the queen of bad publicity. Not in terms of volume, but in terms of the percentage of overall publicity. Sure Paris, Britney, and Lindsay get more. But once in a blue moon you also hear something about their careers. I don’t even remember what the hell Tara Reid does besides drink and flash her augmented boobs at photographers. Tara’s also gotten freakishly thin lately. While most websites have been saying she must be anorexic, I think she’s probably just cheap. The thinner she is, the quicker she gets drunk. And since that’s the only thing Tara Reid ever does, it’s must be the most important thing in her life, thus she’s pretty committed to the cause. Tara’s gotten all defensive about her behavior, and decided to bitch and moan to OK magazine about it.

“I’m not too thin,” Tara, 32, insists in an exclusive interview and photo shoot in the new issue of OK!. “I go up 10 pounds, I go down 10 pounds.”

Tara also points out that, no matter what shape she’s in, she can’t seem to please anyone. “I was thin for a movie that I just finished [the upcoming horror film Vipers]. Now they’re going to see me and say I’m too fat because I’ve gained 10 pounds… I can’t win!”

As for the constant criticism of her alleged party-girl lifestyle, Tara asks, “What have I ever really done? Dance on a table? Who doesn’t drink with their friends and have a good time? I don’t understand why people punish others for being happy. If I have a drink in my hand, it doesn’t make me an alcoholic. If I want a glass of wine, I want a glass of wine. I shouldn’t be afraid of it because of what the media might say. Anything you do, you’re screwed. That’s the lesson I’ve learned.”

[From OK magazine]

I love the whole “What have I ever really done?” The answer should be “Nothing BUT dance on a table.” Maybe if you’d ever done anything else noteworthy, people wouldn’t be so likely to comment on the fact that the only thing you do is get drunk and make a fool of yourself. Tara clearly has body issues. At last count, she’d had 283,484 different cosmetic surgeries. The first half made everything worse, and the second half was to correct all the problems from the first half. Thus she pretty much ended up looking the way she started… just a little more freakshow. Something tells me looking particularly gaunt isn’t going to help things.

Picture note by Jaybird: Here’s Tara on November 23rd 2007, and here she is on November 11th, 2006 – a year earlier. The comparison is pretty astounding. Header image of Tara and Prince Azim of Brunei party at Mahiki Nightclub in London last night. Images thanks to Splash Photos.

