Sum of the first 20 Whole Numbers

Publish date: 2024-06-06
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Calculate the sum of the following

The first 20 Whole Numbers

Σ n Whole Numbers formula:
S20  =  n(n - 1)

S20  =  20(20 - 1)

S20  =  20(19)

S20  =  380

S20 = 190

Average (A) of the first 20 Whole Numbers
A  =  Sum of the first 20 Whole Numbers

A  =  190

Average (A) of the first 20 Whole Numbers = 9.5

Sum of the first 20 Whole Numbers

  n    Wn  
  1    0  
  2    1  
  3    2  
  4    3  
  5    4  
  6    5  
  7    6  
  8    7  
  9    8  
  10    9  
  11    10  
  12    11  
  13    12  
  14    13  
  15    14  
  16    15  
  17    16  
  18    17  
  19    18  
  20    19  
Final Answer

S20 = 190
Average (A) of the first 20 Whole Numbers = 9.5
