Molly Wants A Baby And T.J. Remains In The Dark

Publish date: 2024-05-11

General Hospital: Molly Lansing Davis (Haley Pullos)

General Hospital (GH) spoilers tease Molly Lansing Davis (Haley Pullos) is battling some serious baby fever. Her pregnancy scare left her hyper-aware of just how much she is longing to become a mother — much sooner than either she or her domestic partner, T.J. Ashford (Tajh Bellow) ever planned on. Little does Molly know, T.J. is struggling with the same feelings and would like to have a baby sooner than later, but he doesn’t want to pressure her into a decision that he ultimately feels should be hers. That being said, Molly thinks T.J. must have felt like their pregnancy scare was a close call since he hasn’t said otherwise. As both of them continue to keep their feelings to themselves, things are about to grow quite complicated.

General Hospital Spoilers — T.J. Got Excited

When Molly and T.J. thought they might be accidental parents, T.J. was rather happy about it. He kept his feelings hidden behind concern for Molly and a constant attempt to read the looks on her face. T.J. wasn’t sure how Molly really felt about becoming a mother, and he didn’t want her to think she needed to give up on pursuing her career goals just to give him a baby right now. He can wait, but he doesn’t really want to.

General Hospital: Molly Lansing Davis (Haley Pullos) and T.J. Ashford (Tajh Bellow)

General Hospital Updates – Molly Lansing Davis Wants A Baby, Too

Molly also wants a baby — right now. Much the same as T.J., she didn’t want him to feel like he needed to put his plans for his residency at GH on hold or choose between the time at work and time at home with a baby. So she pretended it was for the best that her pregnancy test was negative and went along with his similar ruse. Molly is debating coming clean with T.J. about how she really feels, but first, she wants to see what her doctor has to say and to make sure she’s definitely not pregnant since her cycle still hasn’t shown up.

Bad News Is On The Horizon

Molly took herself straight to the doctor just to make sure everything was okay because she had never been late like that before. The last thing she was expecting to hear was that she was infertile and not at all at risk of falling pregnant. This unfortunate news is going to have a lasting impact on Molly and her relationship with T.J. Although he would most certainly reassure her that the methods by which they have children do not matter to him, Molly knows how badly T.J. wants to continue his family name and genetics. Family is of the utmost importance to T.J., and no amount of trying to make Molly feel better would make her overlook that. So she’s going to choose not to share the news from her doctor’s appointment with T.J., and that’s going to be a strong burden to bear. Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers just ahead.
