Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Coxs kiss from Dirt

Publish date: 2024-04-28

The season finale of the humorless FX show Dirt starring Courteney Cox aired last night. Jennifer Aniston guest starred as Tina Harrod, an editor of a competing gossip magazine to Cox’s character, Lucy Spiller’s “Dirt.” Harrod is a lesbian and she and Cox shared what looked like a pretty tame goodbye kiss that they tried to draw out with a male character witnessing it in slow-motion. Commentors on the board where we found the pictures note that the kiss between Lisa Kudrow and Jennifer Aniston on Friends (link leads to video) was a lot hotter. Cox told people not to set thir expectations too high for her first on-screen kiss with Aniston, saying “If you think it is just about a major make-out session, you will be disappointed. There is no tongue.” Seems like producers missed a real opportunity with that one.

Here are screencaps of the non-kiss, courtesy of moose6 on SuperiorPics. You can also download the video at the source. I’m not too technically crafty and can’t figure out how to convert it to an embedded video but will put one up as soon as it’s available, which will be any minute now given the nature of the material.

Jennifer, Courteney, and Lisa Kudrow were seen dining at Il Sole restaurant recently. The three actresses from Friends were there at the same time, but only Courteney and Lisa were sitting together. Aniston was there with someone else and left out the back door.

Rumor has it that Aniston is planning some sort of theater career in NY and that she’s looking for a new boyfriend there. I’ll cover that story shortly.

Courteney Cox and David Arquette are said to have hit a rough patch in their marriage, complicated by the influence Courteney’s friends, who talk a lot of smack about men.

Update: here’s the video, thanks to Faded Youth
