James Franco: Im a gay ck tease Yeah, Im a little gay & theres a gay James

Publish date: 2024-05-23

franco NY mag

James Franco is a pretentious bag of douche. I think most of us agree on that at this point. So can you blame me for not being able to get through his entire New York Magazine interview the other day? I glommed onto the headlines about Franco’s take on his Oscar cohosting gig, and beyond that, I barely read the NY Mag piece. As it turns out, he said a ton of other sh-t. Like, he was asked specifically about an essay he wrote last year in which he said “I like to think that I’m gay in my art and straight in my life. Although, I’m also gay in my life up to the point of intercourse, and then you could say I’m straight.” Translation: he doesn’t have intercourse with men, but he thinks of himself as gay-friendly. I think. I honestly have no idea. Well, when Franco was asked about it for this NY Mag interview, this is what he said:

He’s said before that he’s “gay in his art”: “It’s a little bit of a persona.”

Whether he’s a “gay c—k tease”: “There is a bit of overfocusing on my sexuality, both by the straight press and the gay press, and so the first question is why do they care? Well, because I’m a celebrity, so I guess they care who I’m having sex with. But if your definition of gay and straight is who I sleep with, then I guess you could say I’m a gay c–k tease. It’s where my allegiance lies, where my sensibilities lie, how I define myself. Yeah, I’m a little gay, and there’s a gay James.”

[From Vulture]

I still have no clue what he’s really saying. He’s saying that he doesn’t know why people keep on asking him about his sexuality – when he’s literally writing essays about how he has a “gay persona” or whatever – and then he admits that he’s only gay for his art? Or is he saying he’s gay but can’t express it sexually? Like, James Franco is the guy who will go into a gay bar, buy some drinks for a beefcake, and when the dude is like, “My place or yours?” Franco is all, “Hahaha, you thought I was gay? That’s so weird, I’M JUST AN ARTIST. My artistic persona is gay!”


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, NY Magazine.
