Ashley Benson Puts Second Home Up for Sale in L.A. for $3 Million

Publish date: 2024-04-21

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Things might not be as pretty as we’d think for Pretty Little Liars Ashley Benson.  She’s put her second home in Southern California on the market.  This beautiful French styled home just north of Sunset Blvd has been put on the market for $3 million according to real estate site Housely.   Turns out that Benson is a little frisky when it comes to real estate choices.  She purchased a Beverly Hills Villa for $4 million only to list it for sale 2 months later.  That home is currently still on the market.

And now Benson is selling this one.   So she’s got 2 houses on the market at once.  There’s no word as to why she’s selling but hopefully something comes out in the next couple of days.  From the looks of it, this 3000 plus square foot home is gorgeous.  There’s even a room that has a “Spring Breakers” poster in it.

Though I have to admit that should reduce the price of the house by at least $10,000.  We’ve got a few more pics below.

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You can see more pictures at Housely.
